ATM Budget Response
ATM Budget Response 22 May 08
Access to Medicines NGO
In Thursday’s budget $8.8 million has been allocated to improve medicines sector infrastructure over the next four years. This includes the development and implementation of the national medicines formulary as was identified in ‘Actioning Medicines New Zealand’ released in December 2007.
This will provide doctors the opportunity to better obtain relevant information on medicines, allowing them to prescribe more effectively both in financial cost and in providing appropriate medicines to those who need it.
This is the first tangible sign that the development of a long-term strategy for greater access to medicines in New Zealand is to be progressed, and not just another paper exercise.
The ATM Coalition recognises this as a significant move forward and want to acknowledge this, while at the same time remembering that this is just the start as it will not assist doctors in knowing what medication is needed if that particular medicine is not available or adequately funded in New Zealand.
Eamonn Smythe (ATM Spokesperson)
Equitable and affordable Access To Medicines for all
Members: ADDvocate, Alzheimers New Zealand, Arthritis New Zealand, Asthma New Zealand, Balance, Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition, Cancer Society, Carers New Zealand, Continence Association, Cystic Fibrosis New Zealand, Diabetes New Zealand, Diabetes Youth, Epilepsy New Zealand, IDFNZ, Kidney Kids, LAM Trust, Leukaemia and Blood Foundation, Lysosomal Diseases New Zealand, Multiple Sclerosis Society of New Zealand, Myeloma Matters, New Zealand AIDS Foundation, New Zealand Organisation for Rare Disorders, Parkinsons New Zealand, Prader-Willi Syndrome, Prostate Cancer Foundation, Schizophrenia New Zealand.