ED Staff hit by Winter Illnesses
Friday 8 August 2008
ED Staff hit by
Winter Illnesses
With winter ailments affecting both the community and SDHB Emergency Department staff over the last couple of days, Southland Hospital is asking for the public to please keep the emergency department for emergencies only.
Dr Martin Watts, Clinical Director, Emergency Medicine said due to normal winter ailments, such as colds and flu, the ED has been under extra pressure with more people presenting at ED and staff working extra shifts to cover for team members who were also feeling under the weather.
“Anyone who is seriously ill or who has an emergency situation should not hesitate about calling an ambulance or coming to the hospital’s emergency department , he said.”
“However we’d like the public and our staff to take care of themselves so are encouraging everyone to approach a health care professional such as your GP early, in the first instance, or call Healthline for 24 hour free health advice on 0800 611 116, rather than waiting for their condition to worsen.”
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