It’s All About Community
It’s All About Community

The Public Health team has reason to celebrate this week – and it’s nothing to do with the Christmas season. Instead, they are delighting in the news that the Wairarapa district has had the highest uptake rate of the HPV vaccination anywhere in the country – and that the rate is three times higher than the national average.
“What this means is that our young woman are really taking this on board and are making positive decisions about their own health,” says Tessa-Jane Dennes, the HPV Programme Clinical Planner. “It also means that all those involved with this programme are getting the message out there – that they know their communities well enough and are working collaboratively to ensure that the message is heard.”
That message is this: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus that can cause cervical cancer. It is easily prevented by a series of three vaccinations, and these are currently free for all young women aged 17 and 18. From early next year it will be available for all girls aged 12 to 18.
“Our success so far has been because of really great collaboration between community members,” Tessa-Jane says, “and it’s not just those directly involved with the immunisation programme either. A lot of other community organisations have come on board, such as Plunket, the Cancer Society, and Mana Wahine. While the young women and families they’re working directly with may not be eligible, they are talking to families, visitors and those who will talk to others about it.
Because of this wide-ranging promotion, local Practice Nurses have reported higher levels of interest from groups that are not eligible for the free vaccination – and some of these people have subsequently paid for the series of vaccinations. Tessa-Jane has also run evening information sessions in each town and says that there has been a variety of people at the meetings, from mothers who would like their sons vaccinated, to parents whose daughters have attended the school sessions and want their parents to know more about why they have chosen to be vaccinated. “It’s not our role to make the decisions about getting the vaccine,” Tessa-Jane says. “Our job is to get the right information out there so that the decisions families make are informed decisions.”
Each of the seven Wairarapa medical practices are administering the vaccine, and Tessa-Jane credits the Practice Nurses involved with doing a fantastic job so far. Those who wish to be vaccinated, or get more information, can also visit outreach clinics at Te Rangimarie (Wednesdays) and Cameron House (Tuesdays).
As the second round of vaccinations gets underway, Debi Lodge- Schnellenberg. Manager of Public Health, has nothing but praise for those involved. “It’s all about community, she says, “and at the moment we’re celebrating that our community is looking after each other and taking up this chance to look after itself.”
While each medical centre in the Wairarapa is involved in the HPV vaccination programme, below we have talked to three practice nurses working in different parts of our community.
Kuripuni Medical Centre
Sheryl Rowland
“We’ve had an outstanding uptake – about 85 to 90
percent of our eligible young women have had the first
vaccination and we’re just starting on the second
round,” says Sheryl. She puts the high uptake down to
Kuripuni being a small practice where they have been able to
personalise the approach to each young woman who is eligible
for the vaccine. “We’ve sent out letters and followed up
with phone calls, and by doing that we’ve been able to
discuss any issues that have come up, either for the young
women or for their parents,” Sheryl says. “Generally,
they’ve felt that it’s a really easy thing to do to stop
themselves getting the HPV virus which causes cervical
cancer and genital warts. They see it as a valuable way of
protecting their health.”
“The national advertising
campaign and the information to schools has obviously been
really good, because the girls coming in to us are well
informed and know a lot about it before they come. The young
women we’ve seen seem to be very aware of issues and are
willing to follow through and look after
Masterton Medical Centre
As with Kuripuni, Masterton Medical sent out
letters to its eligible patients and are now onto their
second round of the series-of-three
“Generally, the girls have been quite
responsive and they’re obviously talking about it amongst
themselves,” says Jo. “They’ve been coming in steadily
since we started in September, often in a little group where
they all support each other. A lot also come in with their
mums, who are keen for their girls to be protected in a way
they aren’t.”
“Some of the concerns people have had
are along the lines of ‘is it tested? is it safe?’
because it’s seen as a ‘new’ vaccine in New Zealand.
But it’s been around for a while and used a lot overseas,
so we’ve been able to discuss any concerns with them and
give them really good information.”
“People have
thought very carefully about these vaccinations, and have
made informed decisions because they’ve been able to get
really good information. It’s been a well-managed
programme with good resources – such as the ‘remind
me’ text that the girls can opt for which reminds them
when their next vaccination’s due. That, along with things
like good information available on the website, has really
helped build confidence in the programme.”
Te Rangimarie
Paula Nilsson
Paula is the practice nurse who
works with Doctor Cath Becker at Te Rangimarie Outreach
clinic. Located at Te Rangimarie Marae (opposite Douglas
Park school), this clinic operates every Wednesday from 8.30
am until 12 noon, and then from 1.00pm until
“Ours is a great clinic to come and be
vaccinated at,” Paula says “and anyone who just wants to
know more about it can drop in and we’ll get them the
information they need.”
“Because we’re based right
in the community, it’s a very non-threatening environment.
We’re friendly and it’s free and you don’t need to be
organised because we don’t have a booking system. You can
just drop in when it suits and girls can come as a group or
with whoever they’d like to bring.”
Despite not being
located at a medical centre, the clinic is extremely popular
and well-attended. Anyone who goes there for their HPV
vaccination – or any other health matters receives the
same level of care and precautions as in a standard
“While we don’t have a huge number of young
women in the eligible age group coming though the door, we
always have the vaccine in the fridge and we’re ready and
waiting,” Paula says.
The clinic will not operate over
the Christmas period from 17 December 2008 until 14 January