Sir John Anderson re HBDHB CEO resignation
Statement from Sir John Anderson re HBDHB CEO resignation
Press Statement
Sir John Anderson today announced the resignation of Hawke’s Bay District Health Board chief executive Chris Clarke.
This follows six years in the role and recognises Chris’s intention to move to the next stage of his career.
On behalf of the staff Sir John recognised and thanked Chris for his contribution.
“The last few years have been very challenging and Chris believes that it is in the best interests of the organisation to step aside from the role,” he said.
The Commissioner fully supported Chris’s decision and acknowledged his role in addressing a number of complex issues over recent months and the foundation he had created for an incoming Chief Executive.
Sir John also acknowledged Chris’s contribution on the national scene in the roles of lead CEO for Primary Care, Research and Corporate Workforce.
“I remain confident that we have the base to build a sound future for a financially viable health service in Hawke’s Bay. Chris has been instrumental in that and he has my best wishes for the future” Sir John said.