Calm Approach To Swine Flu Appropriate
Calm Approach To Swine Flu Appropriate
From : New Zealand Council Of Homeopaths
“A calm approach to this year’s Type A H1N1 version of influenza is the appropriate response” says Angela Hair spokesperson for the New Zealand Council of Homeopaths. “Staying home to rest and recover, taking extra care with hygiene and supporting the immune system is the best approach to take.”
Homeopaths have a range of useful homeopathic solutions that can be used in conjunction with other orthodox treatments or as an alternative approach if a person does come down with influenza-like symptoms. These include homeopathic medicines that were effectively used to treat people with influenza in the 1918 epidemic.
Homeopathic doctors in 1918 reported the patients had a 98 % success rate of surviving the flu if using homeopathic medicines. The first wave of the epidemic was soldiers returning from the First World War. Tired, emotionally traumatised and weakened by poor nutrition the young men were the first to succumb to the flu but recovered with the use of homeopathic medicines such as Gelsemium or Aconite. The doctors themselves took Gelsemium (or other indicated homeopathic medicines) as a preventative and were able to treat many thousands of patients.
Homeopathic medicines can be kept in medical kits for many years without deteriorating and are matched to the patient’s symptoms regardless of the strain of virus. Recognising the variability in symptoms is a key aspect of homeopathic treatment. Not everyone will need the same homeopathic medicine. While there may be some common symptoms there is often an individual response to an influenza virus eg one person may get very high fevers with headaches which are worse for light while another person may complain of severe bone pains. Homeopaths match the symptom picture to the picture of known homeopathic medicines.
Parents are advised to reassure their children that their own immune systems can be assisted to overcome the flu virus. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables, drinking enough water and staying home to sleep will give the body the best chance to recover without complications. More information about the use of homeopathy in 1918 and where to find a Registered Homeopath can be found on the NZCH website