Support the Great Brain Race!
Neurological Foundation of New Zealand
July 5- 11, 2009
Media release
June 11,
Support the Great Brain Race!
Teams of neuroscientists throughout New Zealand are racing to uncover the brain’s secrets - before their funding runs out!
“It may sound like a new reality show, but sadly it is real life. Unless brain research receives more funding we face a major public health threat from the social and economic burden of brain disorders,” says Neurological Foundation executive director, Max Ritchie.
Any one of the many teams of neuroscientists working throughout New Zealand could be eliminated due to a lack of funding.
“The reality is that even well-established research groups with proven track records can be forced to dismantle if they cannot get long-term funding,” says Mr Ritchie.
“The current economic climate, insufficient investment in neuroscience research and rising costs mean there is less research money to go around, but the need is no less urgent.”
To help raise the necessary funds, the Neurological Foundation has an annual appeal week, which runs from July 5 to 11, 2009.
“We need Kiwis to donate so we can help these neuroscientists continue researching the brain and developing techniques to prevent, or treat and cure brain disorders,” says Mr Ritchie.
Neuroscientists are still far from curing most of the major brain disorders, but to make inroads into diseases such as Alzheimer’s, stroke or Parkinson’s requires continued basic research that can lead to the development of new treatments and therapies.
The World Health Organization has identified the burden of neurological disorders as a serious threat to public health globally.
Like many developed countries, New Zealand is becoming a society where the old will soon outnumber the young and many of these people will be afflicted with a brain disorder.
In addition to the physical and mental toll these conditions take on patients, their families and caregivers, they also have an enormous economic impact, resulting in millions of dollars annually in medical expenses and lost productivity.
The Neurological Foundation is the leading non-government funder of neurological research in New Zealand. Last year, the Foundation gave out $1.9 million in grants, Fellowships and scholarships.
Its annual appeal week is running form July 5 to 11, 2009. Look out for the householder appeal envelope or donate online at, or freephone 0508 BRAINS.