Blood Donors – New Zealand Needs You
Media Release
11 June 09
Latest Figures Show ‘A’ Group Blood Stock At Dramatically Low Level
Donors – New Zealand Needs You
As New Zealand gears up to celebrate World Blood Donor Day on Friday 12 June, latest blood bank figures show that, for the first time in six years, stocks of ‘A’ group blood are reaching dramatically low levels.
Blood Bank inventory changes continuously due to varying demand and the NZBS urgently needs donors who are ‘A’ positive or ‘A’ Negative to contact their local donor centre and make an appointment to donate. This will help keep the country’s blood supply at a safe level.
Paul Hayes, Marketing Manager, NZ Blood Service says, “Previously our stocks had been at reasonable levels but due to a huge shift in demand and supply, right now we are facing a worrying situation with stocks of ‘A’ group blood. Group ‘O’ blood levels are also lower than normal. World Blood Donor Day is the time when we thank all those people who donate blood on a regular basis, and now we need them more than ever.
“If you are eligible to donate, or have donated blood in the past and are ‘A’ positive or ‘A’ negative, please contact 0800 GIVE BLOOD to make an appointment.”
Donated blood lasts only 35 days, so NZBS operates a complex system that is carefully managed to match donations against the needs of recipients within our health services. There are many different reasons that people need blood, from accident victims and cancer patients, to surgical patients and premature babies. There are also a large number of people in New Zealand who need transfusions of blood products on a monthly or even weekly basis.
World Blood Donor Day is celebrated in New Zealand tomorrow – Friday 12 June - and is the day New Zealand says “thank you” to the many people who regularly donate blood. It is thanks to these people that every kiwi can have access to all types of blood and blood products, should they need them.
To find out if you are eligible, or to make an appointment to donate call 0800 GIVE BLOOD or go to