Counsellor lambasts Mental Health Service ideology
Counsellor lambasts “anything goes” Mental Health Services ideology:
“In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Week (5-11 October 2009), it is now timely for New Zealand Mental Health Services to own up to the fact that the industry seems to have an “anything goes” ideology when working with vulnerable mental health clients” says Steve Taylor, Director of 24-7 Ltd, an Auckland based Counselling, Mediation, and Supervision Private Practice.
“As an example of this fact, I have on file a letter written to one of my clients who was referred to my Practice after being appallingly treated by the Mental Health Crisis Services. The client had previously called the Mental Health Crisis Team in a state of suicidal ideation, and instead of the Crisis Team meaningfully assisting the client and actioning an appropriate mental health care plan, the client was reportedly told to “find a distraction” to the clients crisis. The client then reportedly attempted suicide soon after the phone call.
The family subsequently complained to the Mental Health Service concerned. The letter the family received in reply was penned by a senior Clinical Manager of a well known Auckland Community Mental Health Centre, in which the Clinical Manager states “All crisis team nurses are highly trained and skilled in dealing with people who have or present with a mental illness. They have many years experience in this acute field. Because of this, whatever action is taken by the Crisis Team at the time of contact is regarded as appropriate”.
“I would ask the New Zealand public to consider the ramifications of such an approach to any other professional service they might receive as consumers, and ask them to consider as to what their response might be to a mechanic, a dentist, a Doctor, a dressmaker, a petrol pump attendant, a lawyer, or an accountant to the phrase “whatever action that was taken with you by us was appropriate”.
Clearly defined and enforceable sanctions upon professional practitioners who work with vulnerable and at-risk people seem to be in almost every other industry except mental health services, and the absence of such accountability is in my opinion putting the lives of vulnerable consumers at ongoing and systemic risk” says Mr Taylor
According to the latest 2008 annual Mental Health Overview, 71 people died while under compulsory care orders, including 13 reported suicides, with 20 deaths still under investigation.
“Given the breathtaking arrogance as that displayed in the letter above, written by a Senior Clinical Manager of a prominent Community Mental Health service, I am only surprised that more people haven’t died as a result” says Mr Taylor