Breastmates’ Friendly Feeding Awards
MEDIA RELEASE - 12 November 2009
Friendly Feeding Awards
The inaugural 2010 Breastmates’ Friendly Feeding award nominations are now open to all New Zealand cafes, restaurants, shops, parents’ rooms at shopping malls, parks, libraries, and anywhere women can go in public and breastfeed their babies with ease.
“New mums in particular will benefit from knowing in advance where breastfeeding friendly places are located,” says Breastmates founder Frances McInnes. “It can be terrifying as a new mother needing to feed a crying baby with no facilities or unfeeling staff looking on. I hope this will forearm breastfeeding mothers with the practical knowledge and inside tips to make their experience more enjoyable.”
Breastmates ( is an award-winning online maternity one-stop-shop specialising in breastfeeding necessities and luxuries. McInnes is an expert on breastfeeding and is involved with the Ministry of Health’s breastfeeding campaign. She’s keenly aware of New Zealand breastfeeding statistics, which are out of step with the Ministry’s ‘Breast is Best’ stance, especially among Maori and Pacific women. Currently only 38% of New Zealand mothers are exclusively breastfeeding their babies at 6 months. (source: HealthPac monitoring reports for 12 months to end of March 2008).
“Feeding dominates much of a new baby’s life so making this as happy for the mother and baby as possible is our aim,” explains McInnes, who is often shocked at the treatment breastfeeding mothers receive around the world – such as the mother thrown off a Delta airlines plane simply for breastfeeding her one-year-old daughter onboard. “The awards will raise awareness of the issues surrounding inadequate breastfeeding areas and attitudes, while rewarding those that are making an effort.”
Judging criteria includes whether the area is quiet, comfortable, has toddler toys, has water available, provides a nappy changing area, is clean and tidy, has stroller access, provides sun protection & shade, has nice staff and/or has heating available for baby food/bottles.
Nominations can be made online at and businesses with great breastfeeding facilities can also include a button on their website encouraging their customers / visitors to vote for them There will also be a place where you can nominate the worst places to breastfeed.
Regional finalists will be announced and ‘Mystery Mums’ will then be sent out to test and judge the finalists to find the ultimate Breastmates’ Friendly Feeding location around the country.
May the breast mate win!