New Zealanders Give a Lot for Haiti
New Zealanders Give a Lot for Haiti
Save the Children has been overwhelmed by the generous kiwi spirit two weeks after powerful and devastating earthquake struck Haiti.
To date New Zealanders have donated $530,000 to the Save the Children Haiti Emergency Appeal and the donations continue to come in.
Save the Children has more than 200 staff on the ground in Haiti. The money raised by New Zealanders is going towards distributing food, clean water, blankets and plastic sheeting for children and families – and treating patients in temporary health clinics. 13 child friendly spaces have also been set up in Port Au Prince and Jacmel, providing activities for over 6000 children over the past eight days.
“Everyone is doing their bit – and every little bit helps. We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of New Zealanders and we’re well on the way to our target of raising $1 million for Haiti,” says Save the Children New Zealand’s chief executive Liz Gibbs.
Across the country, events have been taking place to raise money. One of the most unique efforts is Nicola’s Gledhill’s cardboard box campaign where Gledhill has pledged to wear a just cardboard box on 1 February 2009 after meeting the $1,000 fundraising target. Gledhill has set a new target of $10,000 where she has pledged to get a tattoo of the amount on her body.
Businesses are also contributing to the cause with TelstraClear donating mobile phones to the Save the Children emergency team in Haiti and promoting the appeal on their website. Vodafone have also sent text messages to some of their customers about Save the Children’s text campaign.
New Zealand’s creative community has been supporting the Haiti Emergency appeal with the Art Loves Haiti auctions on Trade Me. New Zealand musicians are also coming together for a community focused concert at Auckland’s Powerstation on Saturday 30 January 2010.
donate to Save the Children’s Emergency
• Save the Children’s website:
• Call Save the Children New
Zealand’s donation line: 0800 167 168 or 0900 67168 to
give an automatic $20 donation
• Text 8595 to give an
automatic $3 donation
• Visit any one of Save the
Children’s shops across the country (our website: lists the one closest to you)
• Send a cheque, made out to Save the Children, to
Freepost PO Box 6584, Marion Square, Wellington. Mark your
envelope Haiti and don’t forget to add your name and
address so we can send you a