Naturopaths Promise Highly Qualified Practitioners
NZ Society Of Naturopaths Guarantees Highly Qualified Practitioners
Recent attention has been brought to the case of a woman who failed to seek medical advice for a tumour on her scalp following the advice of an unregistered practitioner. The cancer was misdiagnosed by this practitioner as a benign 'infected sebaceous cyst' and she was advised against taking conventional medical advice.
"Such incidents need to be avoided and a well trained, qualified natural health practitioner needs to have a responsibility to the client to refer to further medical investigation when necessary" says a spokesperson from from the NZ Society of Naturopaths.
The New Zealand Society of Naturopaths allows entry only to those naturopaths who meet a high standard of education at an accredited natural health college. There is a strict code of ethics that all practitioners who are registered with the society are required to adhere to and in this way the Society is able to guarantee a high standard of professionalism and education from all it's members.
The NZSN's recommends that anyone seeking help from a natural health practitioner should choose a registered practitioner from a reputed society. To find a practitioner in your local area, go to