Plunket welcomes Government’s response to tobacco report
Media Release
15 March 2011
For immediate release
Plunket welcomes Government’s
response to Māori Affairs Select Committee tobacco report
Plunket congratulates the Government for its demonstration of support to see a smokefree New Zealand by 2025.
Plunket General Manager Māori Health Services, Sonya Rimene says the decision is an historic commitment which will set a precedent around the world.
“The goal of achieving a smokefree New Zealand by 2025 is an ambitious one. It’s vital that policy is put in place to ensure we achieve this goal.
acknowledge the work that went into the report by the Māori
Affairs Select Committee.
Statistics tell us that
Māori, particularly Māori women, make up the highest
number of smokers in New Zealand.
“We welcome measures such as plain packaging and banning point of sale tobacco displays, which will support Māori to put their hand up to quit smoking,” she said.
“We all know that smoking shortens lives, reduces quality of life and is a factor in numerous negative health statistics. These statistics weigh more heavily against Maori than non-Maori.
“Maternal smoking and exposure to 2nd hand smoke directly affects the health of our children. Being smoke free is one of the three key factors in aiding safe sleeping for a baby along with ‘face up’ and ‘face clear’.”
As an advocate of whānau awhina, whānau ora, Plunket advocates a smoke free pregnancy, smoke free homes, environments and communities.