Foundation Funds New Machine for Genetic Testing

Microcentrifuge donated by Shona Brunton WHHF to Genetic Services Lab at Wellington Hospital
For Immediate Release
22nd June 2011
Foundation Funds New Machine for Genetic
Wellington Hospitals and Health Foundation donated a new Microcentrifuge machine to Wellington Hospital’s Genetic Services Laboratory today.
Andrew Beddow, Acting Team Leader for Genetic Services, said the new machine is a key part of the process when diagnosing why an infant or child has an intellectual disability or congenital abnormalities.
“Our current machine is shared between three different groups within the laboratory. This new machine will be solely dedicated to this process for genetic testing which in turn will speed up our process and ensure we can help more patients, faster.”
The Microcentrifuge spins patient’s fluids, such as blood, at a high speed to separate the cells from the liquid so they can be tested for genetic abnormalities.
The new machine will help meet the growing demand the service is experiencing. Two years ago the laboratory was the first in New Zealand to introduce a new high-resolution test, called a Microarrray, to diagnose genetic imbalances. It has since experienced a drastic increase in requests for this test, up from 10-15 tests per month to 60 tests per month in mid 2011.
“Being able to tell a parent why their child has an unexpected medical condition provides parents with great peace of mind. Once the genetic cause has been found, the parents can also be tested to see if there is a hereditary condition to be aware of with future children” said Mr Beddow.
Bill Day, Chair of Wellington Hospitals and Health Foundation said “It is great that the community have been able to provide this for the hospital. Special thanks to the Soroptimists International of Wellington and the Harcourts Foundation who helped us fund this piece of equipment, worth $7,400. It will make such a difference for parents throughout New Zealand.”
Wellington Hospitals and Health Foundation is the official charity of Wellington and Kenepuru Hospitals, Wellington Children’s Hospital and the Kapiti Health Centre. To support the work of the Foundation, please visit