400 to attend How do we talk about suicide
400 to attend How do we talk about suicide? conference in Auckland this week
The Mental Health Foundation in partnership with Te Rau Matatini are pleased to confirm the keynote speakers, facilitators and panel members for the How do we talk about suicide? conference to be held in Auckland this Wednesday, 7 September.
The entire conference will be streamed live from 8:30am – 5pm over the internet at www.spinz.org.nz, and recorded for later viewing.
Participants come from a range of life experiences and disciplines that include police, media, politicians, support agencies, education, health, the coroner’s office and bereavement support agencies, including funeral directors.
“We are very pleased with the breadth and range of representation not only from our keynotes, facilitators and panel members but also from the almost 400 people registered to attend the conference”, says Judi Clements, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation.
“This diversity is reflective of the theme of the conference and brings together all of those groups and individuals working toward preventing suicide.”
The names of keynotes, facilitators and panel members are detailed in the conference programme – http://www.spinz.org.nz/file/2011-Conference/PDF/spinz-2011-conference-programme-web-02-09-11.pdf
Those who have registered to attend the conference also come from diverse backgrounds including corrections, church groups, crisis services, GPs, media outlets, representative groups such as Rainbow Youth, Pacific, Maori and Asian health providers, counselling and relationship services, DHBs and government organisations.
Media enquiries about the conference, including arranging interviews with the participants, can be made through Paula Taylor both in advance of, and on the day of the conference.