Give yourself a pay-rise in 2012 by stopping smoking
Give yourself a pay-rise in 2012 by stopping
Every year thousands of kiwis escape their
working lives for a few weeks of summer, beaches, family,
friends and food and of course the time-honored tradition of
New Year’s resolutions.
Many New Zealanders also start feeling the pinch in their wallets as those bills begin to fall due – sadly. Add to this the tobacco tax increase, the third in 18 months; it can be a really tough time for many families.
There is one piece of good news for the smokers out there though – there’s plenty of free help available. Anyone wishing to quit smoking can access low cost patches, gum or lozenges 8-week supply will cost as little as $3, that’s less than a quarter the cost of a packet of smokes.
“Smoking is more expensive than it’s ever been, but there’s also more free support than ever before too – it’s a perfect time to quit. Pick up the phone, the numbers on your cigarette packet.”
Did you know that if you smoke a pack a day, that’s around $100 a week, $500 a month, and $5000 a year. You could take a family of four to Fiji and back on that!” Bridget Rowse - Smokefree Advisor, Northland DHB explains.
“Give yourselves a pay rise just at the time you need it most.” Bridget adds.
To quit smoking talk to your local health professional, an Aukati Kai Paipa quit coach or call Quitline on 0800 778 7788, or visit