Abortion Supervisory Committee Mistaken
Media Release
Abortion Supervisory Committee Mistaken in Promoting Contraception As Solution to Abortion Rate
Right to Life is disappointed that the Abortion Supervisory Committee continues to promote contraception and sterilisation as the solution to reducing New Zealand’s unacceptably high abortion rate. The committee recently issued a Supplementary report for 2011. The report stated that,
“the Committee was concerned about the number of repeat abortions and has been considering the barriers to effective long tern contraception or sterilisation being available to women who have multiple abortions.” and “it is a concern that over 50 percent of abortions performed are recorded as using no contraception.”
Right to Life commends the Committee for its earnest desire to reduce the high abortion rate, however contraception and sterilisation are not the solution, they are part of the problem. Contraception is the mother of abortion and with sterilisation is part of a culture of death.
The Committee’s report discloses that of the 16,630 women who had an abortion in 2010, 7,702 women were using contraception. Of these 4,627 women relied on condoms at the time of the conception of their child. There were 8,928 women who did not use contraception. Contraception has a high failure rate as evidenced by the Committee’s statistics. Planned Parenthood in the United States have stated that we need abortion as a backup for failed contraceptives. The more contraception we have the more unplanned pregnancies and abortions we will have.
Is the killing of an innocent and defenceless child an acceptable price for so called sexual freedom?
In 2005 the World Health Organisation issued a media release stating that the combined estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptive pill was a Group 1 cancer causing carcinogen. Research has revealed that chemical contraceptives cause serious risk to women’s health. They may cause heart attacks, blood clots and possible strokes. The long term effects on women’s health is still unknown.
The Committee should be aware that the modern contraceptive pill has a tertiary abortifacient action, which prevent the implantation of a newly conceived human being.
Why is the Committee not concerned about the destruction of tiny human embryos?
The sterilisation of a woman by tying her fallopian tubes is a violation of her reproductive faculties and undermines her dignity as a woman. Why does the Committee promote contraception and sterilisation which violates our Creators plan for our co-operation in procreation. These practices are contrary to the dignity of women, harmful to women’s health and destructive of newly conceived life. There is a solution to our high abortion rate and that is practicing abstinence and chastity before marriage and co-operating with the Creator’s plan for the creation of new life within marriage. This is for the ultimate benefit of women, their children and society.
Right to Life asks the Committee to encourage the government to provide abstinence based sex education in schools and withdraw funding from Family Planning which simply promotes teenage promiscuity?
Ken Orr
Right to Life