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A Conspiracy of Silence – Family Planning

12August 2013

Media Release

A Conspiracy of Silence – Family Planning

The Family Planning Association staff are inserting Jadelle implants into the arms of women in violation of their Health Rights. Those rights are enshrined  in the Health and Disability Act 2000. The rights are,

Right 6, Right to be fully informed. Right 7, the Right to Make an Informed Choice and Give Informed Consent.

An estimated 40,000 women in New Zealand have had the Long Acting Reversible Contraceptive [LARC] Jadelle implants inserted into their arms since the implants were fully funded by the government in 2010. Many of these women did so in the belief that the implants were solely a contraceptive. They have been cruelly and deliberately deceived for the implant is not only a contraceptive but is also an abortifacient, that is, that it not only prevents new life but it destroys new life. The implant is not health care. 

The Jardelle implant is manufactured by the pharmaceutical manufacturer, Bayer Pharma. Its web site states that the Jardelle implant works firstly by inhibiting the release of the egg,  stopping it maturing, secondly by changing the cervical mucus consistency thus making it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg, thirdly by suppressing the endometrium which may prevent implantation of the blastocyst. This third action thus causes the destruction of a new human being at the beginning of its life.

The web site of the New Zealand Family Planning Association provides information for health consumers on the Jadelle implant, under the heading,” How do they work”, it states  that:

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Implants can stop the body from releasing an egg each month. They also thicken the mucus in the cervix so that sperm cannot travel up to meet an egg.”  There is absolutely no information on Family Planning’s web site on the abortifacient action of this lethal drug, why is this?

Human life begins at conception and every human being is a unique and unrepeatable miracle of God’s loving creation, deserving of our respect and protection. The Jadelle implant has a tertiary action of preventing a newly conceived tiny human being from implanting in its mother’s womb. Research reveals that a woman with a Jadelle implant may have one or two  chemical abortions each year.

Family Planning are asking women and the community to accept the destruction of an estimated forty to eighty thousand human beings in the womb each year in preference to having them killed in a hospital or clinic by medical or surgical abortions. Every life is precious whether it is only several days old or 20 weeks old. Every abortion is violence against women and their unborn. These implants are an assault on women’s fertility and a denial of the right to life of the innocent and most defenceless members of the human family.

The Jadelle implants are instruments of a culture of death. The cost of an implant is $300, the government to its shame is funding this campaign to sterilise the women of New Zealand. It is estimated that the government has wasted $12 million to date on this campaign.  Like the killing of children in the womb, it has unlimited government funding. The long suffering taxpayers of New Zealand should be outraged and ask why is this money not put into genuine health services that promote health and protect life. Why is the Ministry of Health continuing to promote a culture of death? Why to does the government continue to fund Family Planning that seduces our teenagers and which does so much damage in our community?

Right to Life requests that Family Planning respect the right of women to be fully informed and to give an informed consent. Family Planning should:

·         Rectify its previous failure to comply with this legal obligation by endeavouring to contact their clients who have received a Jadelle implant and to inform them of the abortifacient action of the implant.

·         Ensure that this legal obligation is upheld with future clients seeking a Jadelle implant.

·         Immediately correct the information contained in the Family Planning pamphlet on the implant and on its web site.

Ken Orr
Right to Life.


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