Gender-based pay decision highlights under-paid workforce
Court of Appeal gender-based pay decision highlights under-paid workforce
Disability service providers say under-funding from Government is the major issue for gender pay parity in the sector.
The Employment Court found that to establish equal pay for workers in the female-dominated aged care industry, their pay must be equal to workers in a similar male-dominated industry.
NZDSN (New Zealand Disability Support Network) is an association of disability support service providers.
It’s Chairperson, Wendy Becker, says, “Inadequate Government funding has led to the workforce being seriously unpaid. This needs to be urgently addressed as a priority so that people can get the service and support they deserve, and the sector can attract a new generation of competent and enthusiastic support workers”.
“There is the same disparity in pay for comparable skills between disability support workers and similar workers in DHBs and Corrections – in some cases up to 52 per cent. Some categories of disability services have had no funding increases for over a decade, and those that have had increases, still have not kept up with inflation”.
NZDSN plans to watch proceedings in the Employment Court closely.