Signs give help and hope in Hamilton
Signs give help and hope in Hamilton.
your time, your words, your presence’ is this years theme
for Mental Health Awareness week (5-11 October).
In the spirit of ‘giving’ Lifeline Aotearoa will be placing semi-permanent signs around the Hamilton as part of a "For HELP and HOPE" campaign in the Waikato district.
The overall campaign “For Help and Hope” is designed to inform people of Lifeline services and highlight the 24/7 free phone line.
Jo Denvir, Lifeline’s CEO, believes people need access to help 24/7. “We know that talking helps, especially when people feel alone, isolated and overwhelmed.” Says Ms Denvir.
“Our trained staff and volunteers are here to listen to the tough stuff; offer support and strategies to those struggling with life issues or facing the impacts of depression, anxiety or emotional pain.”
The signs focus on the key message “For Help and Hope” and provide a free phone number that callers can use 24/7 from all landlines and cell phones.
The “For Help and Hope” signs are an initiative driven by Lifeline and supported by other agencies.