Mental Health workers urged to ‘blow the whistle’
Press Release from: The People’s Mental Health
Mental Health workers urged to ‘blow the whistle’ on Mental Health
It is now time for mental health clinicians, from all professions, to use the People’s Mental Health Review to “blow the whistle” and register their concerns about the services and system within which they work.
Last Monday the People’s Mental Health Review, a joint venture led by Mike King, Kyle MacDonald and Action Station launched. Since then the Review has received over 150 submissions most of them from people with lived experience of the public mental health system and their families.
“Whistle Blowing” can be scary for individuals, because whilst many people have already contacted Kyle MacDonald and Mike King with concerns about the Mental Health System, to speak publicly can put your job at risk. It is also true that some protests and media attention directed at mental health has looked to single out individuals for attack.
“People who work in the mental health sector have my word that the People’s Mental Health Review is not about singling out individual staff members for attack or ridicule. This is about driving change at a systemic level through stories” says Kyle MacDonald. “In fact, any individuals named in submissions will be removed as part of the moderation process. We want this process to be safe for all who participate."
The People’s Review encourages mental health clinicians to use the anonymity offered by this process to safely speak out on the problems they see in front of them everyday.
“I talk to people all the time who really care about the work they do, and want to do the best for their clients, but because of some ridiculous rule or policy can’t” says Mike King. “Despite what people think, I don’t believe clinicians get out of bed in the morning and think ‘I’m going to do a crap job today’. For reasons we intend to find out, the system prevents them from doing a good job."
Submissions from Psychiatrists, GP’s, Clinical Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Social Workers, Nurses, Occupational Therapists and all other Mental Health Workers are welcome.
“We believe that it is an ethical requirement for all mental health professionals to speak out about practices that impact the people they work with. The People’s Mental Health Review will enable these stories to make a difference.” says MacDonald.
For more information on The People’s Review of the Mental Health System: