Sign Up to Stoptober and Kick Butt Together
Sign Up to Stoptober and Kick Butt
For people who smoke, there’s no denying that pledging to stop is the first step to giving up. Perhaps this is why Stoptober, a successful national campaign to reduce smoking, is back for its third year.
Stoptober is a 31 day campaign with tools and support network in place to assist people who smoke to pick a date and stop smoking during the month of October.
This year the theme of Stoptober ‘Let’s kick butt together,’ encourages people who smoke to engage a support network of friends and whānau to help them. The campaign is timely with the current focus on plain packaging to assist people to stop smoking.
Those interested in taking part, sign up to the campaign on and will be supported throughout the month with emails, social media and activities run by local stop-smoking organisations.
“We’ve found that most people who smoke, want to stop, but really need the support of people close to them in order to make that happen so this year we’re trying something new,” says Jasmine Graham, Stoptober Coordinator.
“Research tells us that someone who smokes is four times more likely to stop smoking if they have the right support in place. So we are encouraging people to ask their loved ones to join them in their challenge to stop smoking.”
“We have seen what can be achieved by reaching out through Stoptober and believe that having the right tools and support network can get people over the line to stop for good. We are particularly keen to inspire Māori, Pacific and pregnant people,” she says.
Feedback from young Māori and Pacific people who smoke say it is a lot harder to stop smoking when people around them smoke. “With this in mind, those who want to stop smoking this Stoptober are being encouraged to get those who smoke around them to also sign up so they can kick butt together!” says Jasmine.
Those who sign up to Stoptober can also access new Stop Smoking Services, Quitline and their local Doctor to assist them in their endeavour to stop.
There’s no better time to go online and kick smoking in the butt.