HealthCare NZ welcomes pay equity decision
Media statement
Healthcare of
New Zealand Holdings Ltd. (HealthCare
For immediate
HealthCare NZ welcomes pay equity decision
Healthcare of New Zealand Holdings Ltd (HealthCare NZ), one of New Zealand’s more experienced providers of health and disability community services, welcomes news from Prime Minister Bill English regarding today’s historic pay equity settlement for home and disability support workers.
HealthCare NZ Chief Executive Jaimes Wood, said that as a significant employer of home and disability support workers, the organisation is delighted to see pay issues being addressed for this workforce.
“We believe it’s high time that the country recognised and rewarded our hard working support workers, who have historically been a forgotten workforce in this country,” Mr Wood said.
“I’m delighted to see the Government of the day addressing this issue in such a significant way, with the involvement of State Services Commissioner Paula Bennett.”
Mr Wood said the practical application of today’s decision by the Government will be critical for health and disability support providers like HealthCare NZ.
“We look forward to hearing further details on how this settlement will work in practice from the Government agencies that we contract with,” Mr Wood said.