Rail and maritime workers mark Workers Memorial Day tomorrow
Rail and maritime workers mark Workers Memorial Day tomorrow in events across the country
The Rail and Maritime Transport Union (RMTU) is marking Workers’ Memorial Day on April 28 at events across the country, including unveiling a new memorial in Kawerau dedicated to workers who never made it home.
“Workers’ Memorial Day is where New Zealanders up and down the country pay tribute to those who lost their life on the job,” said RMTU General Secretary Wayne Butson.
Every year 50-60 people are killed in a work incident and 600-900 more die early deaths as a result of work-related ill-health.
“For our members today takes on special significance. We’ve lost a lot of mates over the last couple years, from both accidents on the job and from early deaths after exposure to chemicals like asbestos. Today is when we stop to acknowledge their lives and the families they left behind.”
“The message on Workers’ Memorial Day is especially important this year. Over the last fortnight 7 people lost their lives on the job,” said Butson.
Events are taking place up and down the country tomorrow with Wayne Butson helping unveil a new workers' memorial in Kawerau alongside local mayor Malcolm Campbell at noon and members of the Pike River families attending RMTU events on the West Coast at the Union Hotel and in Christchurch at the memorial gardens on Gasson Street.
“No one should clock on at work and never come home. Every working person is entitled to safety at work,” said Butson.