Nationwide #ChangeDayNZ Pledge For Hospice Awareness Week
Josephine Wallis & Geneva Healthcare Action Nationwide #ChangeDayNZ Pledge For Hospice Awareness Week 2017
As part of Change Day 2017, Geneva Healthcare CEO, Josephine Wallis, continues to lead change and improvement in the healthcare industry through a company-wide pledge to donate goods to the Hospice retail shops nationwide. The proceeds from the sale of these items will stay in local communities, and make a real difference to people and families in Hospice care.
“This pledge is about making a real change throughout our communities, and inspiring others to also pledge for positive change,” says Josephine.
Change Day challenges all Kiwis, especially healthcare professionals, to make a change they believe will help improve the healthcare experience for all Kiwis. The concept is simple. Everyone identifies something they can do and pledge it on the Change Day website ( Then in October, everyone actions their pledge to create a mass movement of grassroots change in New Zealand. Last year a record 2,585 pledges were actioned.
Geneva Healthcare staff from 23 offices nationwide are right behind the project and have gathered items from their own homes over the last five weeks to fill donation boxes at their local offices.
The deliveries of goods from Geneva Healthcare staff and Josephine Wallis to Hospice retail shops began this week around the country, and coincides with Hospice Awareness Week 2017, which is running from 15 – 21 May.
“We’ve been blown away by the support from our Geneva staff, especially in the regional offices,” says Josephine.
Geneva Healthcare wants everyone in our communities to be able to live the best lives they can whatever their situation may be due to age, disability, illness or injury.
Trusted by thousands of kiwis nationwide since 1996, Geneva Healthcare is a locally-owned and operated organisation working closely with the Ministry of Health, DHBs, and ACC, to give clients personalised home and community support or nursing services, rehabilitation and disability services, psychology and allied health services, as well as health staffing and training.