Waikato DHB admits not botulism - ACC clear to assist family
Waikato DHB admits not botulism - ACC clear to assist family
On Wednesday the 3rd of January 2017, lawyer Sue Grey and Kochumman family spokesman Joji Varghese had an urgent meeting with the Waikato DHB Acting CE Derek Wright, regarding the 3 poisoned family members from Putaruru.
At the meeting, the CE provided a letter to Sue Grey, from Dr Liz Phillips who had overall responsibility for the family’s care. Dr Liz has advised that “[the family] had accidental poisoning of an unspecified neurotoxin, that nature of which it is not possible to determine" and that “I believe this would meet the criteria required by ACC for accidental poisoning and entitle them to cover of medical expenses and access to physiotherapy.”
It is now clear that botulism did not cause the serious effects which included vomiting, twitching and violent spasms soon after the family ate a meal of wild pork, leaving all three family members in a coma for over two weeks.
The letter from the DHB enables ACC to process the applications, and provide financial support for the family members.
To view
the video clip of the interview with lawyer Sue Grey and
Joji Varghese, and to view the documents, click on the
following link … https://youtu.be/rHNTTXG7k8M