Pregnant Women blamed over nutrition - regardless of context
Pregnancy Malnutrition in Aotearoa continues to be treated as a Self-Responsibility Behaviour-Deficit … regardless of Context
Latest research analysis shows expectant NZ women struggling to achieve optimal nutritional intake as recommended by our MoH. Maternity health professionals are increasingly voicing frustration at being the “ambulance at the bottom of the cliff” when clearly our Education on choice-based rhetoric is proving inadequate.
Self-employed Dannevirke Midwife Briony Raven, and Doctor of Nursing from Massey University Dr Rochelle Stewart-Withers, have completed a CDA (critical discourse analysis) around the concept of food security, to understand pregnant women’s nutrition in NZ.
Their research conclusion summarizes “The most dominant discourse is one whereby malnutrition is seen as deficit behavior and thinking by women, and one of self-responsibility, regardless of [poverty] context. This is very much in keeping with the modus operandi of public health and neo-liberal discourse.”
Raven and Stewart-Withers continue “We argue, however, this renders silent the fact that malnutrition for some women results more from food insecurity and disempowerment.” They advise Midwives need to make audible other less dominant narratives, alongside avocation for woman-centred, policy-based approaches towards nutrition.
Three key messages were
· Pregnant women, when not
viewed holistically/relationally, are isolated as being
solely responsible for their
· Women are viewed as naïve
recipients who need to achieve a healthy pregnancy through
education and compliance to adhere to complex food
· There is an
authoritarian-use of ‘fear’ and monitoring that attempts
to motivate adherence to guidelines
Local Midwife Kathy
Fray who has been NZ’s No.1 best-selling
birth-babies-motherhood Author for the past a 1½ decades,
responds “I agree with the research conclusion that
pregnant kiwi Women are in general held personally
accountable to attain oftentimes complex societal/MoH
nutritional targets – which for many can be both
unrealistic and unaffordable. A good quality Daily Prenatal
multi-vitamin multi-mineral costs about $1 a day, and not
every woman can afford even that.”
Fray continues “The
pressure on pregnant women to confirm these days – to
sooooo many things – can create undesirably-high levels of
stressful anxiety. Fifty years ago, pregnant women just
‘got on with it’ but today they feel continuously
interrogated with a ‘Are you doing everything
correctly?’ undertone. A simple solution would be our
government funding a daily Preggy Multi that includes the
recommended levels of Folic Acid and Iodine, instead of the
current policy that Pharmac supplies separate Folic Acid
tablets, and Iodine tablets – but no other general
Minerals or Vitamins for maternal-fetal