This week we have seen the first stage of community spread of the COVID-19 virus in New Zealand. As this pandemic evolves, we continually look at our policies to ensure they reflect the situation at hand. This includes our visitor policy. Effective 30 March, no visitors will be permitted to enter any of the Waikato DHB hospitals, this includes the southern rural and Thames hospitals.
We recognise how important the support of whānau and friends is for our patients. However, this is an extraordinary situation and a necessary precaution for the safety of our patients, staff and community.
There are a few exceptions:
· Paediatrics – one caregiver for the duration of the child’s stay
· Delivery/maternity – the partner OR nominated support person for birth
· Essential or compassionate grounds such as end-of-life support – this is at the sole discretion of the Charge Nurse Manager and must be agreed prior to arrival, please phone the Waikato DHB number (07 839 8899) and ask for the Charge Nurse for the ward your loved one is in
· Security will be at all entry and exit points and will require information from you to verify your eligibility to enter the hospitals
Anyone who is COVID-19 positive or in voluntary or mandated isolation due to potential COVID-19 contact will not be permitted to enter under any circumstances.
No children are allowed onto the premises – this includes children of staff.
Those over 70-years-old, or with an existing health condition which may expose them to greater risk following COVID-19 exposure are advised to avoid visiting.
All visitors will be screened prior to entry and must observe strict hand hygiene, social distancing and follow the guidance of staff at all times.
We thank the community for their continued support, and remind everyone to practice effective hand hygiene through washing with soap for 20 seconds and to maintain appropriate social distancing by staying in your “bubble”. For information and guidance please visit