Horowhenua Community Wellbeing Committee Urges Residents To Get Tested For COVID-19
The Horowhenua District Council Community Wellbeing Committee is urging residents to get tested for COVID-19.
The Committee, which includes community and government organisations and agencies who work within Horowhenua, held a meeting via audio-visual link on Tuesday 12 May to discuss the impact and community response to COVID-19.
As part of the discussion it was raised that MidCentral District Health Board’s Public Health Team were calling on people to get tested for COVID-19.
Community Wellbeing Committee Chair Victoria Kaye-Simmons says in order to keep our whanau, loved ones and community safe people needed to continue getting tested.
“Even if you only have one symptom, the more people who get tested the better. We need to know what’s happening in our community to prevent extensive transmission”, she said.
Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, fever (temp of 38C or higher), shortness of breath and temporary loss of smell or taste.
MidCentral District Health Board is encouraging anyone experiencing cold, flu or respiratory illness symptoms to call Healthline’s dedicated COVID-19 number on 0800 358 5453 or their GP team to get referred for testing.
Testing sites are open in Horowhenua, seven days a week.