Wallet-sized Health Card Launched
Waitematā DHB is marking Health Literacy Month in October with a new initiative that guides people to reliable, clear online health information.
Waitematā DHB partnered with the Health Navigator Charitable Trust, Auckland DHB and Counties Manukau Health earlier this year to create wallet-sized health cards with details of the one-stop-shop Health Navigator website for patients, family/ whānau and caregivers.
The website features reliable and trustworthy health information on a variety of topics, including healthy living, medication, services and how to find a healthcare provider.
The card is being given to patients on discharge and during pharmacist interactions. It will also be available in other areas of the three DHBs’ hospitals, including whānau rooms and discharge lounges.
“Patients and whānau are often not sure where to access reliable information to help them make health decisions,” says Waitematā DHB Director of Patient Experience David Price.
“It is essential that DHBs take a lead role in supporting patients and whānau to manage their health by providing access to clear information - communicating effectively so that patients and whānau have a clear understanding of what is going on.”
“This initiative will further enhance that understanding and enable people to make positive and informed decisions about their health.”
Health Literacy Month is an annual, worldwide, awareness-raising event that started in 1999. The theme for this year’s Health Literacy Month is ‘be a health literacy hero’.
The new Health Navigator card will be given to patients on discharge, at hospital pharmacies and will be available in whānau rooms and discharge lounges.