Have Your Say On A Bill That Would Set A Safety Standard For Sunscreen Products
The Health Committee is seeking public submissions on the Sunscreen (Product Safety Standard) Bill. The bill would require the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs to recommend that a mandatory regulation be set to prescribe a safety standard for sunscreen products.
New Zealand and Australia have a shared Sunscreen Standard, which specifies testing methods for sunscreens, as well as labelling requirements. However, compliance with the standard is currently voluntary in New Zealand.
The regulation would be set under section 29 of the Fair Trading Act 1986. The Minister would need to recommend the regulation no later than six months after the legislation commenced.
Tell the Health Committee what you think
Make a submission on the bill by 11.59pm on Wednesday 26 May 2021.
For more details about the bill:
· Read the full content of the bill
· Get more details about the bill
· What’s been said in Parliament about the bill?
· Follow the committee’s Facebook page for updates