Significant Uptake In Chiropractic Care Post-Covid
Auckland chiropractors have seen an uptake in patients seeking out chiropractic care since the Covid-19 pandemic hit NZ’s shores last year. Two primary causes linked to this increase are more people working from home and generally increased stress levels.
For the most part, office spaces tend to be better equipped to offer employees ergonomic support, as they usually purposefully provide employees with good seating, lighting, desk space, and areas for movement. Transitioning to working from home has meant that many individuals who do not have fully equipped home offices are now having to make do with less ergonomic options like sitting at a dining room table or in a less comfortable office chair.
This has led to more people suffering from joint pain related to poor posture, headaches, and general stiffness. These issues have further combined with increased stress levels during the pandemic brought on by being cooped up for months, navigating new work environments, and experiencing general emotional distress, which has led to more patients seeking out chiropractors’ services.
While chiropractic treatment remains controversial, there is evidence that a well-trained and qualified chiropractor may help relieve back and neck pain, release a body’s excess tension, lower headache pain symptoms, and improve general posture. Associated pain and stress relief, in turn, can promote overall improved health and wellness. A good chiropractor is also likely to supplement their treatments with other helpful alternatives, such as acupuncture, Tai Chi, or other forms of maintenance exercises and stretches. A caveat to seeking chiropractic treatment is that a patient should not have any underlying issues such as osteoporosis, cancer in the bones or joints, or similar.
Considering the adverse effects of taking pain medication long-term and the negative health impact of leaving pain untreated, as well as the additional expenses related to regular doctors’ visits or even surgery, chiropractic treatment may offer a generally safe and beneficial alternative for many Aucklanders.