Drive-through testing centres have been set up today at:
· Wharekawa Marae, Cnr Rata Road and East Coast Road, Kaiaua, from 9am to 3pm.
· Mangatangi Marae, 201 Mangatangi Road Mangatangi, from 9am to 1pm.
The Founders Theatre community testing centre in Hamilton continues to offer testing and is extending its hours today from 8am until 7pm.
Swabs taken by Waikato DHB Monday, 20 September
Wharekawa Marae | 477 |
Founders Theatre | 310 |
Mangatangi Marae | 78 |
Waikato DHB processed 916 tests overnight, including around 400 priority tests from those areas targeted.
Demand for testing remains strong today but has reduced from Monday’s peak.
People are encouraged to seek advice from Healthline before being tested if not symptomatic or identified by Public Health as a close contact. All general practices are testing their own patients, and practices identified as ‘designated testing practices’ also test unenrolled patients. Advance bookings are essential for GP testing.
For a full list of locations where people can get a COVID-19 test, go to Healthpoint.
It is free to get a COVID-19 test, wherever you go.
Update on COVID-19 vaccinations in the Waikato DHB region
Total number of vaccinations delivered in the Waikato to date: 377,616
· First doses: 248,730
· Second doses: 128,886
· Eligible population (people 12 years and over): One dose 69.5% and 36% fully vaccinated
COVID-19 Vaccination programme
· Pop-up drive-through vaccination clinics will be running today until 3pm at the following locations:
o Ecoquest Education Foundation, 1204 East Coast Road, Whakatīwai
o Maramarua Rugby Football Club, 22222 State Highway 2, Maramarua.
· In
Hamilton, Wintec launches a series of COVID-19 vaccination
events at their central city Hamilton and Rotokauri campuses
this week to create more opportunity for people to get
vaccinated. The events are being held in partnership between
Your Health New
Zealand and Waikato District
Health Board, and people can book their vaccination at
this event at
The Wintec Vaccination events are on:
22 September 2021 at The Atrium, Wintec House,
Wednesday 29 September 2021 at Wintec Health
Services, Rotokauri campus, 10am – 2pm.
Walk-ins available
Community vaccination centres across the Waikato are now accepting walk-ins and will vaccinate people then and there if possible. Other vaccination sites also now do not require an appointment.
Making a vaccination appointment
The best way of guaranteeing a vaccination on the time, day and place of your choosing is still to book.
· If you have made a booking and are not able to attend your appointment, please cancel your booking so someone else can use that appointment time.
· If you are unsure when your appointment is, check on the booking system at using your contact number or email address and booking reference. Alternatively, you can call 0800 28 29 26 for assistance.
· Everyone aged 12+ can now visit to make their bookings.
· We ask everyone when attending their appointments under Alert Level 2 to remain vigilant and follow the key public health measures detailed on the Unite Against COVID-19 website.
Temporary visitor restrictions are in place
From 2pm yesterday, new visitor restrictions were put in place across all Waikato DHB hospitals and facilities until further notice.
The policy is provided below.
COVID-19: Waikato DHB Hospitals Visitor Policy
Restricted visitor policy for all Waikato DHB hospitals
To help protect patients, whānau and staff, no visitors will be allowed at any Waikato DHB facilities, effective from 2pm Monday 20 September until further notice.
The primary purpose of our no visitor policy at this time is to reduce risk of infection in our hospitals and to keep everyone safe.
As our Public Health unit conducts further investigation into the COVID-19 cases identified in the Kaiaua area the DHB is acting with an abundance of caution. We expect to have more information soon and will review our visitor policy accordingly.
At this time, only support people or caregivers are allowed:
· One support person for Emergency Department
· One caregiver for paediatric areas
· One support person for birthing facilities.
All support people/caregivers need to report to Waikato DHB staff on arrival and must:
· Use the NZ COVID Tracer app and scan codes displayed, or record details to ensure contact tracing can be carried out, if required
· Wear a face mask or covering
· Observe strict hand hygiene and physical distancing
· Follow the instructions of staff at all times
· NOT have any COVID-19 symptoms or be otherwise unwell.
We recognise how important the support of whānau is for our patients. Some exceptions to our current no visitor policy may be possible on essential or compassionate grounds, and must be approved by the charge nurse manager, charge midwife manager or, out of hours, the duty nurse manager. This excludes children under 16 who cannot visit at this time.
We thank everyone for respecting our safety measures at this time.
If people have flu-like symptoms
Do not come into the hospital if you have cold or flu-like symptoms.
If you are concerned about your risk of COVID-19, please ring Healthline (0800 358 5453). They will tell you if you need to be tested and what to do next.
· It is free to get a COVID-19 test
· GPs are able to provide assessment and testing – please phone your practice first
· Please do not turn up to your GP without an appointment
· After hours, you can be seen at an urgent care clinic
· We recommend you take your NHI number with you, which can speed up the timeframe to receive your test results.
COVID-19 tests are free.