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Access To Chiropractors Will Benefit Health Of Thousands

COVID-19 restrictions on access to chiropractors and significant numbers of hands-on primary healthcare practices have finally been eased and will benefit the mental and physical health of thousands of people, according to the New Zealand Chiropractors’ Association (NZCA).

NZCA spokesperson Dr Jenna Duehr, chiropractor explains: ‘After months of lobbying, many meetings and a whole lot of noise from despairing allied health practitioners, common sense has been reasserted and chiropractors are now able to see patients again without the requirement of urgent care. Of course, we still need to be vigilant with screening and infection control, but Auckland chiropractors have now been out of action for almost a whole quarter this year alone, so this is very welcome news for us and the people we take care of.’

Jenna Duehr points out: ‘Most other countries have allowed highly skilled allied health workers such as chiropractors to continue, even under elevated levels with appropriate PPE and infection and protection controls. Are primary healthcare providers less trusted than real estate agents, supermarkets and takeaway restaurants to manage Covid-19 precautions?’

The NZCA, the peak body for chiropractic in New Zealand says that chiropractors are highly trained clinicians who have excellent knowledge and the ability to screen for COVID symptoms, practice infection protection and control and use appropriate PPE, have exceptional contact tracing abilities built into our patient management systems already.

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Jenna Duehr adds: `Chiropractors and their patients who depend on their services have been severely affected by the pandemic response. Of course, many industries are struggling but at least some can still operate with physical distancing or click and collect and still have some income. Our patients and our NZCA members face a gruelling scenario if rolling lockdowns continue and it is going to end up costing the country in deteriorating public health and elevated longer term healthcare costs’.

Ironically the harmful restrictions continued as the 2021 Nobel prize in Medicine or Physiology is given to researchers for work which sheds new light on how hands on therapy, such as chiropractic, improves pain and other conditions by converting physical sensations into electrical messages in the nervous system.

US researchers Professor David Julius and Professor Ardem Patapoutian have shown how our bodies convert physical sensations into electrical messages in the nervous system. They have identified the different types of receptors that are activated in response to mechanical force or touch. These touch and temperature sensors have since been shown to have a wide role in the body and in some diseases, such as chronic pain, how our body regulates its core temperature and multiple roles from urinating to blood pressure.’

`As chiropractors we see these effects from working in our practices. Other research shows how chiropractic can help mitigate the mental health effects of pandemic isolation[1]. It is frustrating that our members have seen a sharp rise in people seeking care during the pandemic yet during Level 3, chiropractic practices remained closed to anything but an incredibly restrictive criteria for urgent care. While telehealth options over a video consultation can suit certain cases, it is of very limited benefit for hands-on providers. Even Level 2 restrictions impact on the flow and viability of some practices with Auckland facing prolonged difficulties’.

Chiropractors provide care for the public in a wide range of health concerns, including spinal problems, posture, certain neurological issues and chronic pain. The pandemic has seen heightened levels of mental health concerns such as anxiety, sleeping difficulties and stress related disorders. The new Nobel awarded research confirms how chiropractors are able to help many people through their ability to assist the nervous system. There has also been an increase in the number of people seeking chiropractic care for postural related strain and stress from working at home. These health concerns highlight how important it is that the public can have access to chiropractors during increasing alert levels.

Chiropractors are regulated primary health care professionals registered under the HPCA Act with close to 700 annual practicing certificate holders practising in solo, group, and multidisciplinary clinics around New Zealand. New Zealand chiropractors have significant training (a minimum 5-year tertiary degree) and a broad yet highly skilled scope of practice and clinical expertise.

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