Testing To Be Based On Priority Needs As Centres Experience High Demand
Community testing centres across Tāmaki Makaurau are experiencing very high demand, similar to the height of the Delta outbreak.
This has prompted the Northern Region Health Coordination Centre (NRHCC) to remind people when to get tested for COVID-19.
The most important things to remember are - you only need to be tested if you:
· are feeling unwell or have symptoms (e.g. a fever, new or worsening cough, sore or scratchy throat, shortness of breath, sneezing and running nose)
· are a close contact of someone who has COVID-19
· have had a positive Rapid Antigen Test
· are required to have a test under a mandatory testing order (e.g. a border or MIQ worker)
· work directly with COVID-19 patients
· are attending a procedure or appointment at a public hospital, and have been asked to get a test
· have been told to get a test by a Health Official.
We are asking people to follow this advice to make sure the right people have access to testing.
If you don’t have symptoms, or meet the other criteria, you don’t need to be tested.