Have Your Say On The Inquiry Into The Aged Care Sector Relating To People Experiencing Neurological Cognitive Disorders
The Health Committee is now calling for public submissions on its inquiry into the aged care sector's current and future capacity to provide support services for people experiencing neurological cognitive disorders.
The Government’s coalition agreement included a commitment to undertake a select committee inquiry into aged care provision to include supporting people with early onset conditions and what asset thresholds are appropriate. Further to this, the committee is aware of a shortage of care and facilities for people with neurological cognitive disorders in New Zealand.
The committee has adopted the following terms of reference for the inquiry:
Terms of reference
The committee intends to examine the following matters relating to people with neurological cognitive disorders in the aged care sector:
• Appropriate services for people with neurological cognitive disorders across the care continuum including from home and community care to residential care, to palliative care.
• The funding model, amount of funding available, including best practice and international examples of funding models.
• Resources available and the ability for the health system to provide appropriate care and what support enables “aging in place”, including for priority populations.
• The process of applying for funding and care resources.
• Appropriate and sustainable asset thresholds for people with neurological cognitive disorders.
• Process for diagnosing neurological cognitive disorders and the effects of diagnoses on funding and treatment.
• Projections for future needs for people with neurological cognitive disorders.
Tell the Health Committee what you think
Make a submission on the inquiry by 11.59pm on Monday, 19 August 2024.