The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) today drew attention to a groundbreaking study published in Addiction, which compares the effectiveness of vaping regulations in Australia and New Zealand.
The research has significant implications for tobacco harm reduction policies across the Asia Pacific region.
Nancy Loucas, Executive Coordinator of CAPHRA, stated, "Recent reports from Sweden, Japan, New Zealand, and the UK demonstrate significant reductions in smoking rates, attributed to regulated access to safer nicotine products. These countries have embraced tobacco harm reduction, improving health outcomes for citizens who might otherwise use deadly tobacco products."
"Both successful harm reduction strategies and restrictive approaches deserve equal attention," Loucas added. "Delegations should be free to discuss their motivations without reprimand from NGOs and other external parties not responsible for public health policy."
The organisation points to the recent study published in Addiction, which compared vaping regulations and smoking trends in Australia and New Zealand. The study found that New Zealand's more liberal approach to vaping was associated with a more rapid decline in adult smoking rates compared to Australia's restrictive policies.
Loucas stated, "This study provides compelling evidence that embracing tobacco harm reduction through regulated access to safer nicotine products can accelerate the decline in smoking rates. As countries across Asia Pacific grapple with high smoking rates, New Zealand's success offers a clear model for effective policy."
CAPHRA calls on governments in the region to consider adopting risk-proportionate regulations that facilitate adult access to safer nicotine alternatives while implementing measures to prevent youth uptake.
CAPHRA Position Statement on Industry Independence:
- The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Advocates (CAPHRA) is a regional alliance of consumer tobacco harm reduction advocacy organisations. CAPHRA is not related to, or funded by any commercial interests. It is composed of volunteer consumer advocates from the Asia Pacific Region. We hope putting forward this information would clarify any doubt as to our interests and intentions.
- CAPHRA stays committed to its mission to educate, advocate and represent the right of adult alternative nicotine consumers to access and use of products that reduce harm from tobacco use. We advocate for the rights of consumers in the Asia-Pacific region to access and use evidence-based, regulated, and properly marketed harm reduction products as a means of reducing the devastating impact of smoking-related diseases.