Saving Fox Hunting And England’s
UQ Wire: Biowarfare Compulsory
Vaccination Plans
ZZZZZzzzzzzt Scoop Has
Californian Judges Who Donate To The
Republican Party
US Nuclear Test
Internet Censorship Call In Lead Up To
OZ WTO Showdown
Auckland Footpaths Dry From
Countdown To War: NZ Position Fluid Says
Countdown To War: It’s About Oil!
Countdown To War: Oil-For-Food Short Of
Countdown To Bombing: Softening Up
Countdown To War: War Gets Political
In The US
Daily Katya Rivas
(Just Politics)
Paying For Sex Is No Crime - Libz
Selling Booze To Our Kids
Urged To Abandon NCEA Level 2
Balance Of
Payments Deficit Continues To Shrink
Weathertightness Tribunal Solution To House
National‘s Leaky House Crisis Roadshow In
HSNO Changes Mooted
Protecting Our Teachers
Country Takes To The Streets Of
Saving Fox
Hunting And England’s Countryside
- More than 400 000 people marched in central London on Sunday to highlight rural decline in Britain and defend hunting with hounds. Scoop’s Streets of London reporter Malcolm Aitken spoke to several of the participants, and presents the interviews in full. See... Scoop SOL Special Feature: UK Country Mobilization [1] . See also UK Government response to the march... Comment on Countryside Alliance's ten point agenda [2]
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UQ Wire: Biowarfare Compulsory Vaccination Plans
- Federal officials have released a plan instructing states to deliver smallpox vaccinations should an outbreak occur due to a terrorist attack. The plan details how states can inoculate up to one million people in 10 days after confirming only a single smallpox infection in the entire nation. Why? See... UQ Wire: Plans For Mass Smallpox Vaccinations [1] Intelligence Failure The Rule Not The Exception - When one hears the cable clatchers speaking somberly about post-September 11 "intelligence failures' one should bear in mind that they are not really telling you anything new. Intelligence failure is not the exception but the rule. And to pin one's expectations for national security upon intelligence is, to borrow from Dr. Johnson thoughts on second marriages, the triumph of hope over experience. See... Undernews: The Triumph Of Hope Over Experience [2]
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ZZZZZzzzzzzt Scoop Has Feedback
- In This Edition: Re: Scoop Editorial: Let There Be No Mistake - Discussion of Energy Resources – Re: Let There Be No Mistake - Scoop - Paranoid and Anti-American See... Scoop Feedback: International Law, Oil & Pax USA [1] Feedback Relates To: - Imperial PAX Americana [2] - Sludge Report #141 – Discussing Oil With The Beeb [3] - Scoop Editorial: Let There Be No Mistake [4]
[1] -
Californian Judges Who Donate To The Republican Party
- Why was Bill Simon, GOP candidate for Governor of California, so sure his “business fraud” jury verdict would be overturned ? See... Californian Judicial Political Independence Or Not [1]
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US Nuclear Test Tomorrow
- The US National Nuclear Security Administration has announced that tomorrow, 26 September, it is doing yet another nuclear weapons test (code named 'Rocco') at the Nevada Test Site. See... Alert! US tests weapons of mass destruction [1]
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Internet Censorship Call In Lead Up To OZ WTO
- NSW Police Minister Michael Costa has asked the Federal Government to shut down websites with instructions to disrupt a World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting in Sydney. See... Call For Sydney WTO Protest Website Shut Down [1]
[1] -
Auckland Footpaths Dry From Tonight
If you want to come into the city for an evening drink, stick to licensed premises – and don’t try to take alcohol into public places. See... CBD alcohol ban kicks off tonight [1] and Alcohol ban extended to include Viaduct Harbour [2]
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Countdown To War: NZ Position Fluid Says National
- The Government’s clearly shifting its thinking on Iraq with Phil Goff’s statement that “all necessary means” will be taken to ensure that Iraq complies with United Nations resolutions, says National’s Foreign Affairs spokesman, Wayne Mapp. See... Government shifting position on Iraq [1]
[1] -
Countdown To War: It’s About Oil!
- As official Washington grinds inexorably forward towards war – and ‘regime change’ – with Iraq, UN resolutions or not, it seems increasingly clear that the so-called war on terrorism has become a convenient cover for a much wider agenda on the part of certain influential thinkers and policy makers. See... Guest Opinion: It’s The Oil, Stupid [1]
[1] -
Countdown To War: Oil-For-Food Short Of Cash
- A severe budget gap is hampering the United Nations “oil-for-food” programme, which allows Baghdad to use a portion of its crude revenues to purchase humanitarian relief, the UN official in charge of the operation told the Security Council today. See... Humanitarian effort in Iraq suffers budget gap [1]
[1] -
Countdown To Bombing: Softening Up Continuing
- Iraq informs the U.N Secretary General of the U.S and British warplanes violations of Iraq’s airspace through the demilitarized zone US and UK warplanes violations of Iraq’s airspace [1]
[1] -
Countdown To War: War Gets Political In The US
- Legitimate national security concern is what it is. You may try to politicize it. I view it as my main obligation; that is to protect the American people. It's the most important job this President will have, and it's the most important job future Presidents will have, because the nature of war has changed. We're vulnerable. See… Bush, Colombia President Uribe Discuss Terrorism [1] MORE US WAR PR:: - White House - National Republican Senatorial Committee Dinner [2] , White House Press Briefing - September 25, 2002 [3]
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Katya Rivas
- Let us go back to the topic of prayer. I, the cornerstone of your soul, make the graces of your prayer advance when it is silent and profound, and one day you will notice that you have progressed in this immense grace of wisdom when loving. See... Katya Rivas: The Gift of Prayer [1]
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Photographs Of Fear - UK's Iraq Dossier
For Sex Is No Crime - Libz
- "The Maxim Institute and the Society for the Promotion of Community Standards (or, one might suggest, of 'theocracising sex') should both give up trying to prohibit adults engaging in voluntary transactions for sex, and ask themselves who benefits from putting behind bars people who are paying adults for pleasure?" announced Libertarianz Spokesman on Free Speech Scott Wilson today. Prostitution - where's the crime? [1] and MAXIM means MAXIMum Government? [2] EARLIER: - Maxim - Reform Yes - But Not The Current Prostitution Bill [3] and Prosecute Purchasers Of Prostitutes [4]
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Selling Booze To Our Kids
- Jim Anderton is appalled at a liquor outlet’s current promotion of cheap ‘mudshakes’ made from vodka with caramel and chocolate flavoured milk as a ‘new release’ in the first week of the school holidays. See... Concern liquor industry may target holiday kids [1]
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Schools Urged To Abandon NCEA Level 2
- ACT education spokesman Donna Awatere Huata has reiterated her call for schools to reject the implementation of Level 2 of the NCEA, after teachers agreed to lift their total ban on the next stage of the qualifications system. See... Schools Should Reject NCEA Level 2 [1] and Mallard committed to easier NCEA transition [2]
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Balance Of Payments Deficit Continues To Shrink
- Acting Finance Minister Trevor Mallard welcomed the latest current account figures which reflect the resilience of the New Zealand economy at a time when there are uncertainties in world markets. See... BoP reflects strong economic performance in NZ [1] and Current Account Deficit $624 Million [2]
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Weathertightness Tribunal Solution To House Crisis
- National is proposing a Weathertightness Tribunal as a practical way to help homeowners suffering losses from the leaky homes syndrome, says National Party Leader Bill English. See... National moves to provide solutions on leaky homes [1]
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National‘s Leaky House Crisis Roadshow In
- National is inviting Canterbury homeowners and others affected by leaky homes to hear local experts talk about the issue and find solutions to the problem, National MP David Carter said today. See... Experts to address Canterbury meeting on leaky homes [1] and English to hold press conference on leaky homes [2]
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HSNO Changes Mooted
- Improving the operation of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act is the focus of a public discussion paper released by Environment Minister, Marian Hobbs. See... Hazardous Substances Discussion Document Released [1]
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Protecting Our Teachers
- Calls from PPTA members at their annual conference for more targeted resources and staffing to counter violence against teachers come as no surprise, ACT Education Spokesman MP Donna Awatere Huata said today. See... Attacks on Teachers Rising - Awatere Huata [1]
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