Top 10 Winston explanations for the taxi incident
Top 10 Winston Peters explanations for the taxi incident
1. I simply wanted the opportunity to discuss New Zealand First's law and order policy with the local Wellington constabulary.
2. He asked if Death with Dignity was the name of my electorate newsletter.
3. Now I'm not a racist but he was playing a really loud tape of some godawful screeching wop camel music.
4. He could name more New Zealand First MPs than I could.
5. When I asked him to take me home, he tried to drop me off at Santa Fe.
6. The taxi driver demanded an extra $70 for 'laundering' and we don't stand for that kind of white collar fraud.
7. He asked where I buy my built-up shoes.
8. The taxi didn't have a single malt mini bar.
9. He asked my female companion what high school she went to.
10. He claimed my suit had been made by his uncle in Mogadishu.
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