The bFM WIRE Today: With Noelle McCarthy
Host: Noelle McCarthy - Producer: Kristen Berger
12:15 b-Fashion with Wallace
12:30 Auckland’s new transport package will be introduced in Parliament today, amid concern over where and how the $1.6 billion will be spent. Author C.K.Stead has been outspoken in his opposition to the proposed eastern highway wants to know where the investment in public transportation is.
12:45 Its been a rough few months for National MP Nick Smith. Last week Dr. Smith was found in contempt of court for revealing details of a custody case and compromising the privacy of Family Court. Following the verdict he’s considering his options. Noelle will be speaking to Mr. Smith about his plans.
1:00 Green Dean with the Green Desk
1:15 This weekend Cindy Kiro, the children’s commissioner, and Parents Centre New Zealand have spoken out in opposition to a new rifle for children introduced to the New Zealand market. Ms.Kiro apparently does not like the idea of taking “the kids hunting with the deadly wee Chipmunk Rimfire”. Phil Hoare, the Vice Chair of Outdoor Recreation New Zealand, a political party organized to protect outdoor interest and sporting heritage, feels otherwise. Mr.Hoare joints Noelle in the studio.
1:45 Kris Berger with the Magazine Review. Kris looks at Private Eye.
Aucklanders can tune in at 95 on the FM dial.
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy, 95bFM Radio, News and Editorial Director