bFM WIRE Today With Noelle McCarthy 12 - 2pm
Host Noelle Mc Carthy. - Producer Jen Craddock
12.00 b News with Simon. Weather and Surf.
12.20 Jim Tully. Dept. of Communications, University of Canturbury. Jim will be commenting on the continued fallout from the torture pictures in Abu Grahib prison in Baghdad, and on media coverage of the war in Iraq.
12.45 Cllr. Mark Donnelly, Governance and Strategy Committee, Auckland City Council. On the growth of the education industry in Auckland, and its effects-economic and otherwise, on the CBD.
1.00 The Green Desk. The Wire catches up with the Greenpeace Mc Donald's protests in Whiri.
1.20 b Fashion with Wallace
1.30 Liz Butterfield. Drector, Internet Safety Group. Liz will be discussing the work of the SAFE network following the conviction of Tauranga man Ross Mundy on child pornography charges.
1.45. The Magazine Review with Kris Berger
Aucklanders can tune in at 95 on the FM dial.
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy, 95bFM Radio, News and Editorial Director