St Molesworth: Things The PM Doesn't Want To Hear
Top 10 things Helen Clark doesn't want to hear from her MPs
1. How about selecting Shrek as our Otago candidate? He's got to have a better chance of holding it than David Parker.
2. Helen, those comparisons to Jenny Shipley are so inappropriate - she had a personality.
3. Helen, who was it again that tried to roll you back in 1998?
4. No Helen, I don't think the Civil Unions bill applies to you and Tariana Turia...unless there's something you're not telling us.
5. I'm feeling a bit tired - I'm going to have a lie down in the back of my limo.
6. Gee Helen, you didn't look very happy in the Dom Post the other day.
7. It's like this Helen...the media have some photos of me and Tony Veitch.
8. I know! We could get you to land a jet fighter on one of our aircraft carriers!
9. Let's get all your supporters together and form a great big 'Hikoi for Helen'.
10. Can I talk to you about my private members' bill to rename the country 'Aotearoa'?
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