The bFM WIRE Today Hosted by Simon Pound
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Producers - Matt Nippert & Genevieve O'Halloran
12 00 b News with Rob followed by weather,surf
12 15 Nandor Tanczos - Yesterday the Clean Slate Bill was passed with the help of the Greens. Nandor was one of the most vocal proponents for the introduction of such a bill and he joins us to talk about what it entails, how it works, why we want it and if he thinks the final version went far enough.
12 30 Counter Clockwise with Selwyn Manning of, just before he heads off on an overseas journalistic jaunt
1 05 John Tamihere - Maori activist Titewhai Harawira has expressed an interest in challenging John Tamihere for his Tamaki Makaurau Maori seat at the next election. We thought we'd use this as an in to catch up with The Associate Minister of Maori Affairs and find out amongst other things how fronting up at the Hikoi was.
1 45 Film Review with Ant Timpson
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy News and Editorial Director Radio 95bfm