bFM WIRE Today With Paul Casserly: 12 - 2pm
The Monday Wire with Paul Casserly - Produced by Randall Potter
12.00: News with Jen
12.15: TV addict with Rohani, Weekly t.v. review
12.30:The Prime Minister. Replay of Helen Clark's interview on Breakfast this morning
12.45: The Reality Rissole. Media commentary with Nick D'agelo.
1.10:Robert Fisk. Anita McNaught interviews Robert Fisk. Fisk talks about pressures on journalists to report the Israeli/Palestinian in a particular light, and his dismay at John Malkovich publicly stating that he would like to shoot Fisk himself.
1.30: Allen Matson. We have in the studio, Allen Matson, historic building campaigner. A chat about his fight to preserve what precious little historic buildings we have in Auckland from developers wanting to throw up architecturally neutered buildings.
1.45: Newsboys world of sport. With Jeremy Wells
Aucklanders can tune in at 95 on the FM dial.
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy, 95bFM Radio, News and Editorial Director