The bFM WIRE Today With Noelle Mc Carthy: 12 - 2pm
The Tuesday Wire. Host Noelle Mc Carthy. Producer Jen Craddock
12.00 bNews with Simon Pound. Weather and surf.
12.15 Rebecca from Mainz... They'll be making modern music at The Dogs Bollix tonight and Rebecca is telling us all about it.
12.30 Alasdair Thompson. An Auckland medical lab manager has hit the news for banning any language other than english in the workplace. Fort Richard Laboratories director Maurice Clist sez the "Jabberwocky and Gobbledegook" used by his non-English speaking staff has no place in the workplace and he's banned it. The factory at Otahuhu employs a mix of nationalities, but english is the only acceptable lingua franca for work puposes. Speaking anything else is now a sackable offense. Predictably theres been outcry, but maybe it makes safety sense to have all the people working in a medical lab speaking the same language? Chairman of the Employers and Manufacturers Association Alaistair Thompson is on the Wire to discuss the policy from an employers point of view.
12.50 Marie Dyhrberg. Auckland Criminal lawyer and former president of the Criminal Bar Association on the legal problems whch might be posed by using non-sworn officers to investigate burglaries. The Green Desk
1.00 Environmental issues with Green Dean.
1.45 The Magazine Review
An indepth report from the front lines of magazine shopping with Monica Dwyer.
Aucklanders can tune in at 95 on the FM dial.
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy, 95bFM Radio, News and Editorial Director