The bFM WIRE Today Hosted by Jen Craddock
The bFM WIRE Today Hosted by Jen Craddock
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12:00 – News with Rebecca, followed by weather and surf report.
12:15 – Felicity Coggan If you thought Bruce Hucker was the true lefty's choice for mayor of Auckland – think again. The Communist League's got a candidate for the top job, and she's coming into the studio to tell us why Auckland needs a Cuba-style revolution.
12:40 – Stephen Mayne You've heard of Popstars, but what about Pollstars? Yes, in Australia there's a reality tv show where the audience has chosen six independent candidates for the federal upper house. Is it a corruption of democracy? I'll be asking a regular media commentator on the ABC and editor of the news site
1:00 – Nick d'Angelo is in the studio with the Reality Rissole.
1:15 – PM Helen Clark. Replay of this morning's interview with Camilla on breakfast.
1:30 – Dick Frizzell. The painter best known for his reinterpretations of sardine tins, Beehive matches and the Four-Square man has just been chosen to go to Antarctica. What will a renegade pop artist get out of a trip to the great white continent?
1:45 – TV Addict. Rohani Evans
with the weekly television review.