The bFM WIRE Today Hosted by Simon Pound
The bFM WIRE Today: 12 - 2pm weekdays
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Host: Simon Pound – Producer: Imogen Neale.
12 15 Willie Jackson will be talking to us about the Maori TV reporter who called the Foreshore bill the 'Foreshore Confiscation' bill
12 30 John Roughan from the Development Aid Organisation in the Soloman Islands. He will be talking to us about the situation on the ground from an insider's perspective.
1 15 Angela Singer artist and taxidermy extraordinaire is currently holding a show at the Oedipus Rex Gallery in Auckland. She will be talking to us about the motivation behind her work and the bigger ideological movement behind it.
1 30 Alastair Thompson from
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy News and Editorial Director Radio 95bfm