The bFM WIRE Today: 12 - 2pm weekdays
Host Rebecca Wright Producer Imogen Neale
12 00 bfm news with Noelle McCarthy
12 20 Scott McMurray from the Maxim Institute will be reflecting on the work they have done in 2004
12 45 We will be re-playing Camilla’s interview with Helen Clark from this morning about Waitangi and the possibility of a cabinet reshuffle.
1 00 Rebecca had the pleasure of talking to Peter Hart from Fair and Accuracy in Reporting which is a media watchdog based in New York. We will play the first installation of this interview – the second part will be played next week.
1 30 We will be playing the latest dispatch from Andrew Dubber in Mosley.
Aucklanders can tune in at 95 on the FM dial.
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy, 95bFM Radio, News and Editorial Director