The BFM Tuesday WIRE with Noelle McCarthy
The BFM Tuesday WIRE with Noelle McCarthy.

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12:00pm bNews with
David. Weather and Surf with Noelle.
12:30pm Hon. David Benson-Pope
The government has been feeling the heat over the perceived balls up over the first Level 3 NCEA examinations. The Associate Minister of Education has been feeling it more than most. We ask him what the story is and why has the system “not achieved”.
12:45pm Jonathon Milne
The government is having a ruff month with blows coming from both the NCEA and police policy. Giving us a ringside seat to the political boxing ring is Herald on Sunday politics editor Jonathon Milne. He’ll phone in between rounds and give us the latest.
1:00 Stephen Page
Noelle talks to Director of Bangarra Dance Theatre which is coming to Auckland for the AK05 festival. Page is an acclaimed choreographer and dancer and is famous for his work in indigenous Australian dance. He has won several awards and his work has been performed for the Edinburgh International Festival and two Olympic Games. Noelle asks him about his work and how Aboriginal dance is understood by western audiences.
1:15 Arts Hole with Sarah Hopkinson
More art from Auckland with our hard nosed Art Jorno Sarah Hopkinson. She’s also known as Pocky.
1:45 Mag Review with Imogen Neal
Imogen finally reviews Plup. We think.