The bFM WIRE Today with Noelle McCarthy
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Produced by David Belgrave
12:00 bNews with Will. Weather and Surf with Noelle
12:15 Nevil Gibson
Nevil Gibson is the editor of the NBR and thinks it’s time New Zealand had its own Foreign Correspondents Club. The club hasn’t even yet formed and it’s already got General Pervez Musharrah, president of Pakistan as its first speaker. We’ll be asking how they pulled off that coup at 12:15
12:45 Professor Maureen Molloy
This past long weekend saw the first United Women’s conference in over 25 years. We ask Maureen Molloy, of the Department of Women’s studies at the University of Auckland, where feminism is today.
1:00 Tariana Turia
The Maori Party has started a new initiative to get more Maori enrolled to vote. We ask the Maori Party leader how she’s doing it and whether it’ll help her at the polls.
1:15 Jeanette
The Greens had their party conference over the weekend where not nice things were said about the other parties. National and New Zealand First bared most of the brunt of the attack with Rod Donald comparing Winston’s immigration policies with that of Nazi Germany. Green co-leader Janette Fitzsimons is on the line at 1:15.
1:30 Green Desk with Green Dean.
Dean’s in to talk about bottom trawling and the pretty coral.
1:45 Mag Review with Imogen
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy News and Editorial Director Radio 95bfm