bFM Tuesday WIRE with Noelle McCarthy: 12 - 2pm

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12:00 bNews with Rob. Surf and Weather with Noelle
12:15 Robert Patman
They just can’t stay out of the news at the UN. As the world body turns 60 years old it continues is to be embroiled in scandal such as the oil-for-food debacle. Talk is now turning to reform which could include an expanded security council. Meanwhile in the US Senate, a heated debate is raging over the appointment of the notoriously abrasive John Bolton as US ambassador to the UN. At 12:15 we’ll ask University of Otago lecturer Robert Patman what is the story is.
12:30 Matt Mulgaard
The BBC is changing its guidelines for reporting. In the wake of the Beslan School Siege the Beeb is telling its news producers to delay reports in order to improve the amount of the context in its news stories. What does it all mean for the originator of Reithian news values? We ask Matt Mulgaard from AUT at 12:15.
1:00 Arts Hole with Sarah Hopkinson
Today Sarah is talking to Cressida Gates from the Govett-Brewster Gallery about the Lee Bul exhibition.
1:15 Green Desk with Green Dean Another stirring interview from the award winning Green Super Hero
1:45 Mag Review
Our American friend Kris Berger is in the studio to rate that mag.
From the desk of Noelle McCarthy News and Editorial Director Radio 95bfm